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Thursday, July 25, 2013

What I am up to

I started reading a book titled Leaving by Karen Kingsbury. I have had the book for 6 months or  more on my Nook and just never took the time to start reading it. I have so many others on there that I want to read. Anyway, I started it yesterday and I am finding it hard to put it down.  I plan on doing some reading this morning and then stitching from 11:30 a.m. till 1:00 pm today. I have to work this afternoon from 2:00 Pm till 9:00 today.  I hope all m y readers are doing well. Thanks for reading my blog,Kimberly


Debbie said...

Good Morning Kim, I go through phases. I'll pick up a book and can't wait to read a little everyday. Then I will not read a book for months. I just can't find one to catch and keep my interest. Now stitching on the other hand, I have to stitch everyday or I feel guilty that I didn't. Go figure!

kimstitch3 said...

I am the same way Debbie. I will go months without But when I finally decide to read, it is hard to put the darn book down. I am making a habit of stitching a little everyday no matter what.If it is for 5 mins or hours, I stitch as much as I can in the time that I have. I found lately that if I stitch in the morning, I make less mistakes.The sun is usually out and my eyes aren't unusually tired. Happy stitching Debbie and thanks so much for posting