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Saturday, November 19, 2011

well this stinks....

Since I posted that last picture of Flowers for Mama, I discovered that I had been off a thread or two when I counted down and did part of mamas apron so when I stitched the little boy's cap and shirt, I was off count as well, so I had to frog out the entire little boy I had stitched and now I am in the process of restitching.ugh.I hate when that happens.  I would never have caught the mistake if I hadn't had my readers on. I started stitching this piece a few years ago and since found it in my closet and started it up again. I am wondering now if that is why it was in the closet,maybe I knew there was a mistake and didn't feel like dealing with it and now years later, I figured it oh well. I am off to work on it again.I want to hang it in my stitching room when it is done.I have a yellow hobby room and it will look great in there. Take care and thanks for listening to my rambling.Kimberly