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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Today I shall work on Sheltering Tree. I will post an update later today. Have a Blessed day.Kimberly

Friday, July 20, 2012

A new finish. It's all good by My Big Toe Designs.  I used her other version instead.  It's all God. Thanks for looking,Kimberly

Photo: ITS ALL GOD by MBT designs
Yay, today is Friday.Woohoo. Love my Fridays. I will get "It's all God" by My Big Toe Designs finished this evening . I can't wait to have this one done and start on my next project. I have been a bad girl this year, all the ones I started in January for the 15 piece challenge have all fallen by the way I managed to finish 2 of them and have been starting and finishing others instead or just "starting" others.oopsy.  Don't hold it against  Take care and thanks for visiting my blog. God Bless You,Kimberly

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Photo: Wip It's all good.will be done by Friday.woohoo

Wip of I's all God by MBT Designs. I should have this one finished up by tomorrow,so come back and look. Take care,Kimberly

Monday, July 16, 2012

 Photo: Wip Its all good .coming along well

Another new start. This is It's All Good by My Big Toe Designs. I intend to have this one completed by the weekend. Wish me luck. Take care and thanks for looking at my blog.Kimberly